Stop the sand removal from the Lake Norris Conservation Area and additional dump trucks traveling our neighborhood roads!
Blackwater Creek Wetlands Mitigation, LLC is seeking approval from the Lake County Board of Commissioners to remove so called “overburden” sand from the closed Eustis Sand Mine located on the Lake Norris Conservation area. If approved, this will allow 400 additional dump truck trips 5 days a week, 9 hours a day for 5-7 years! This equates to a sand truck EVERY 90 SECONDS ON OUR ROADS! Blackwater will be making MILLIONS of dollars off this project!

What are the consequences of sand removal?
The effect on Lake Norris and Blackwater Creek could be devastating

Blackwater Creek Wetlands Mitigation, LLC claim the sand must be removed to restore the wetlands. Aerial photos taken in 1941 show no original wetlands. Creation of a wetland where there was not one changes the watershed of the property. The effect on Lake Norris and Blackwater creek could be devastating.
There will be pipes installed underground to pump water to this new wetland. Where is this water coming from? The existing soil is not conducive to holding water. It is very sandy soil. Will they be bringing in muck or will they be digging a large hole? These questions are not being answered.
The survival of the Florida Panther and other native species depend on the Wekiva Ocala Greenway of which this conservation area is a part.
35 to 40 ton trucks will be traveling our roads every 90 seconds

These 35 to 40 ton trucks will be traveling our roads every 90 seconds. Our children waiting at bus stops and being dropped off will be put in grave danger! Can we risk putting our children in peril like this EVERYDAY? Will these heavy trucks be able to stop in time while school busses are on the road?
This increased traffic on our roads will jeopardize each of us as we travel to work, the grocery store, the pharmacy, etc. Too many accidents have already claimed the lives of our citizens at the CR 437 and SR44 intersection. We should not knowingly increase dangerous road scenarios on our citizens!
Road Damage & Expense
Heavy traffic on our residential roads

As mentioned above, Blackwater Creek Wetlands Mitigation, LLC will make millions of dollars from the wetland credits obtained. The Lake County Taxpayers will have to foot the bill to pay for the road damage these trucks will incur on our roadways. An average SUV weighs 6,000 to 8,000 pounds. One loaded dump truck equals the weight of 9 full size SUVs. Just think of what this added weight will do to our roads!
Please Attend The Lake County Commission Meeting
February 26, 9:00 AM at the country administration building: 315 West Main Street, Tavares, Florida.
We need to fill the room, let our voices be heard, stop the sand removal and these dump trucks on our roads. If you cannot attend the meeting, please reach out to the County Commissioners:
- Leslie Campione (Chairman) – [email protected]
- Wendy Breeden (Vice Chairman) – [email protected]
- Sean Parks – [email protected]
- Josh Blake – [email protected]
- Timothy Sullivan – [email protected]